• Positive Environments Foster Positive Thinkers

    Afterschool is the peak time for children to become victims of crime, commit crimes themselves, experiment with cigarettes, sex, drugs, and alcohol; therefore, between the hours of 3PM and 6PM the Robotic S.T.E.A.M. afterschool program will not only provide children with fun and exciting programming, it will also provide a support to working parents who are in need of a safe haven for their children.

  • Extended Support & Confidence

    According to Youth.Gov, attending high-quality afterschool programs and regular participation can lead to improved social and emotional competencies, including prosocial behavior, intrinsic motivation, better concentration efforts, and higher sense of self-worth.

    Children enrolled in our program benefit from extended academic support and heightened confidence in various areas of creative learning.

  • Building Achievers

    According to the Afterschool Alliance although afterschool enrollment is at an all time high, for every student enrolled in an afterschool program there are two students waiting to get in. Consistent participation in high achieving afterschool programming has been shown to close the achievement and opportunity gaps between high income and low income students.

Enroll in one of our Afterschool Programs Today!